Date: 15/10/2020 | Partner: Khushbu Badhiwala
1. Identifying the problem
Young-adults and teenagers are an essential segment of Toronto's population. Also, in most parts of the city, they are the fastest-growing demographic group. Hence, their voices are very significant for the city's planning process. However, their participation is always pretty low.
How can we increase the level of engagement of Newcomers with the City Planning of Toronto?
2. User Profile
This strategy is focused on:
- People who just moved to Toronto (preferably from 2018)
- Can be either domestic or international.
- Between the ages of 19 to 30.
- Can be either domestic or international.
- Between the ages of 19 to 30.

3. Survey
Interviewed 16 students and recent graduates to understand their knowledge and opinions about the City Planning for Toronto. Additionally, we interviewed 3 newcomers in person.
4. Results
The results show that the vast majority of people moved to Canada in 2019. Yet, 75% assures that they have never heard about city planning and around 13% are not sure if they have heard of it. Most importantly, nearly 44% of the people surveyed didn’t know they could participate in city planning.
Also, most of the newcomers interviewed suggested to get any kind of benefit from participating.
Results of the survey

Results of the in-person interviews
5. Solution
Some stimulus can promote public participation and strengthen community bonding. Perhaps, incentives can also show appreciation and recognition for the hard work and dedication.
Therefore, it would be convenient to design a mobile app where youth can check current city development projects near them and engage by receiving:
1. Incentives: While using the app, they will get points by participating or joining meetings/events. Additionally, users will receive points navigating the city and checking 3D Models.
2. Volunteering/Internship: those points can be exchanged for volunteering or internship hours (with a certificate).
3. Sense of belonging: Connecting with the community.


1. Medium Fidelity

2. High Fidelity

Augmented reality & 3D Models:
The 3D elements were created from scratch using Adobe Dimension. Furthermore, the immersive AR experience was implemented with Adobe Aero for desktop (including the 3D elements' animation).
The following videos display the street view and the tabletop augmented reality features, respectively.
{Recorded with the iOS Aero app}
{Recorded with the iOS Aero app}
With this mobile app design, users will be able to participate actively and provide feedback about the city. Additionally, they will be able to find information about upcoming events/meetings.
Also, users will be encouraged to get to know the city while using the Augmented Reality (AR) functionalities. These features will help them navigate Toronto and visualize future constructions (with 3D models).