Multi-Page Websites:
Culture's compass 2021
Humber's Centre for Creative Business and Innovation (CCBI) used to organize an annual free two-day virtual conference exploring solutions and ideas for the arts and culture industry. However, due to the massive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the centre couldn't assemble live performances in 2021.
Hence, this year it was necessary to elaborate something virtual yet impactful as the previous conferences. This issue allowed me to design and develop a website that provides information, resources and a virtual 3D gallery.
Hence, this year it was necessary to elaborate something virtual yet impactful as the previous conferences. This issue allowed me to design and develop a website that provides information, resources and a virtual 3D gallery.
Implemented on Webflow
[Responsive Website]

Culture's Compass Homepage

CC About Us

CC Artists

CC Resources

CC Speakers

CC Mini-Docuseries
3D Gallery
Followed the challenge's design requirements to create the Homepage. Then, created the Login and Registration pages from scratch but keeping the same style for consistency.
Implemented the website with HTML, CSS, Foundation Framework and some jQuery
[Responsive Website]

Prepr Front-Ent Challenge
Redesigned Prepr's website for an internship Front End Challenge.
Followed their requirements and created a new design keeping the same colour palette for better branding. Additionally added new features that weren't used in the official website for better user experience.
[Responsive Website]


Aury's Desserts
Created a website for a fictional coffee place only with HTML and CSS. This website is not responsive.
[Only for desktop]


Our Menu


About Us
Suzanne Collins - Concept
Created a concept to re-design the existing website of Suzanne Collins using HTML, CSS and Foundation Framework.
[Responsive Website]






While working for OSF, I had the chance to participate in the development of four different websites for the same client. Besides following the design the client requested, we also implemented their websites into Demandware Software (cloud-based unified e-commerce platform) to provide a better user experience and increment the business' conversion rates.
[Responsive Websites]

JR Cigars

Serious Cigars

Santa Clara Cigars
The official websites can be opened here: